

Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself

The coronavirus is a real threat. Discover simple home remedies that boost your immune system and up your chances of survival.

The coronavirus is a real threat to the elderly and those who have a pre-existing condition or a compromised immune system. Below you will find free resources that we have put together so that you can learn how you can boost your immune system and up your chances of survival.


Learn how to do a simple natural remedy to improve your blood circulation and with that boost your immune system. All the items you need you most likely already have at home, so this treatment is quarantine proof!


Inflammation & Covid-19: What to Know!

How to Protect Yourself from Super Viruses, Part 1

How to Protect Yourself from Super Viruses, Part 2

The Journal of Health & Healing

“Flu is the seventh cause of death in America. Regular flu kills about 36,000 Americans every year. But occasionally, as in 1918, it becomes a plauge. Then, we, out families, or friends may very well be attacked by a killing flu virus. Flu is worth understanding, so we an prepare to prevent and fight it.”

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