What is a salt glow? This is a very stimulating procedure that calls for moistened salt rubbed briskly on the skin of the entire body until it gives a pink color to the skin.
Beneficial Physiological Effects
Skin rejuvenation: The salt glow removes the outer layer of dead skin cells and leaves you with softer skin. It serves as a chemical irritant to the skin, in addition to the mechanical stimulation produced by the sharp edge of the crystals
Circulatory Boost: The salt glow is also an admirable means of producing a circulatory reaction, without thermic (heat) reaction if the temperature employed is not very much below that of the surface of the body. It also has a valuable derivative effect in bringing the blood to the surface of the skin.
Possible Diabetic Aid: Natural remedies expert Dr. Agatha Thrash, M. D. observed that a person who has diabetes will find that the skin functions better as a storage depot for glucose following the meal, and the blood sugar level can be kept more constantly at a normal rate if a salt glow is regularly applied. Of course, exercising after a meal will also improve glucose levels in individuals who have diabetes.
When there is congestion of blood in the pelvis, the chest, or even the head, the salt glow is the best method of removing it. Women often complain of a bloating feeling, related to lack of exercise and sluggishness. Salt glow is the answer. For sedentary and diabetic people, — where there is lack of peripheral circulation, — trying a salt glow may be rewarding. This treatment may help to relieve the overly burdened skin when other excretory organs are compromised (such as chronic kidney disease).
People who perspire profusely or those who experience night sweats will benefit if salt is mixed with vinegar. Take one cup of each, vinegar and water and add salt to moisten thoroughly and rub on the body as mentioned before.
Wet two pounds of medium coarse table salt with just enough warm water to make the salt stick together and to wet skin. If too much water is added to the salt, it cannot bring out the pink glow on the skin when you rub. Also make sure the room is warm. You do not want to get chilled.
- Stand unclothed in a bathtub or other tub with feet in warm water, or sitting on a stool. (Or you may shower the whole body first).
- Then take some moistened salt in your hand and rub together in the hands to evenly distribute the salt.
- Begin by wetting the skin of one shoulder, arm, and hand. Begin to rub the skin briskly with a to-and-fro friction movement. Adjust the firmness of pressure to the patient’s tolerance and skin. Thin, tender, pale skin cannot take as firm rubbing as thick, darker skin can.
- After completing one arm proceed to the other shoulder (see illustration). The chest and the back are rubbed simultaneously and the hips, thighs and legs come last. One foot at a time may be raised onto a footstool to be rubbed.
- For best results, conclude the treatment a quick cold (or cool) shower. For elderly or feeble people, we would recommend a warm shower be given before the final cold application. Immediately following the treatment a little rest would be desirable.
Salt Glow should not be given in case of broken skin or skin diseases (rashes, eczema, and psoriasis).
Note: This article which originally appeared in The Journal of Health & Healing has been updated, slightly modified and reorganized by the editor of this blog and reviewed by Dr. Poliana Verde Valle. Dr. Charles Thomas earned a doctorate in physical therapy and was a world renowned expert in hydrotherapy.
Works Cited
- Abbott, G. K. Hydrotherapy, The College Press, Loma Linda, California. 1914
- Dail, C. W., and Thomas, C. Simple Remedies for the Home, Teach Services, Brushton, New York, 1991.
- Finnerty, G. B., and Corbitt, T. Hydrotherapy. Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., New York, 1960.
- Kellog, J. H., Rational Hydrotherapy. F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1903.
- Sinclair, Marybetts. Hydrotherapy for Massage Therapists. Lippincott, Williams & Williams, 2008.