
Brain Health

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Natural Aids to Memory and Cognitive Performance

Natural Aids to Memory and Cognitive Performance

As the American population ages, quality-of-life issues often seem to surpass concerns for longevity. Whether it’s our joints, our hearing, or our mental performance, individuals throughout America—and the world—are rightly seeking to increase their quality of life,...

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Keep a Song in Your Heart

Keep a Song in Your Heart

Could listening to natural sounds and music improve your health? How about playing musical instruments? Do they offer benefits? Is all music beneficial for healing? We cover some of the latest research in this blog. Group Singing Improves Mental Health Even for...

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Sugar and the Brain: What is the Real Truth?

Sugar and the Brain: What is the Real Truth?

What effects does sugar have on our brains and mental health? We examine the facts. You draw your own conclusions. Twenty percent of our average daily calories come from refined sugars. Most hidden sugars consumed in the U.S. are found in soft drinks, soda, and boxed...

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Want to Prevent a Stroke? Check This.

Want to Prevent a Stroke? Check This.

In their weekly morbidity and mortality report dated May 23, 2004, the CDC reported that from 2011–2013 to 2020–2022, stroke prevalence  rose 14.6% among adults aged 18–44 years, 15.7% among those aged 45–64 years, 9.3% among women, and 6.2% among men in the United...

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Does Your Child Have This Health Advantage?

Does Your Child Have This Health Advantage?

Question: What European monarch was trained as an auto mechanic? You guessed correctly if you answered “Queen Elizabeth”. Yes, indeed, during World War 2, this English princess worked to repair jeeps. During the war, her father, King George V (or Bertie) raised...

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Living Free: Finding Freedom from the Habits that Hurt

Living Free: Finding Freedom from the Habits that Hurt

Habits---we all have them. American author Elbert Hubbard said: “Habit is the great economizer of energy.” He was exactly right. Habits are our friends—when they’re good ones. Habits are routines that help us perform multiple tasks with minimal mental effort. They...

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