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All Natural Products for Arthritis Relief

All Natural Products for Arthritis Relief

More than 350 million people have arthritis worldwide. CDC stats on arthritis: Over 54 million Americans have arthritis. Arthritis affects one in five American adults. Two-thirds of the people diagnosed with arthritis are under the age of 65. An estimated 67 million...

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Contrast Baths for Pain Relief

Contrast Baths for Pain Relief

Do you have arthritis, a sprain, or a broken arm? This treatment could help relieve your pain! Hydrotherapy is the use of water for the treatment of trauma and disease. A contrast bath involves immersing the joint in, and alternating between, hot and cold water....

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Prevent a Gout Attack!

Prevent a Gout Attack!

Will a gout attack cause you acute pain and cripple your daily activities? You can take effective preventative measures now even if you have had a past history of gout! Discover three natural remedies that could ease a gout attack. What is Gout? Gout is the most...

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