
“Wildwood: A Display of God’s Health Benefits”

by | Last updated Sep 25, 2024 | Encouragement

The mind and body are so intimately related that what affects one will influence the other. For many individuals, achieving inner peace is as crucial as physical recovery. In a blog post, Dora Issac Weithers reflects on her time at Wildwood and highlights the significant blessings she experienced.

While browsing the Wildwood website in preparation for my recent visit, it became obvious that some of God’s benefits were on display there. (Wildwood is a 600-acre healthcare campus located in northern Georgia with about half of its acreage extending into nearby Tennessee). “Serving, Educating, Healing” since 1942, Wildwood attracts individuals who desire to reset or improve their physical, spiritual, and mental health.

Morning affirmations are part of my daily routine. Among them are the first five verses of Psalm 103, especially verse 2 in which the psalmist declares (NKJV): “Bless the Lord O my soul, And forget not all His benefits.

After completing ten days on site, it has been my delight to confirm that some of God’s most precious benefits are certainly being experienced by the residents and visitors at Wildwood. In addition to the obvious blessings—the beauty of nature, the breaths of clean fresh air, and the blessing of restorative care by people of faith—all five of the benefits mentioned by the psalmist are presented practically and powerfully.

Benefit #1: Forgiveness

“He forgives all our iniquities.” (verse 3)

It is impossible to study the Natural Laws of Health* without admitting that some of us in the press of life have been neglecting the proper use of these wonderful gifts that God provided for our daily use. We ignored them to our detriment. We feel ashamed that we have caused parts of our suffering by turning our backs on available natural benefits like nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, rest, and trust in God.

Then, we turn to Wildwood, looking for remedies; and to God, asking for divine help. We confess our disregard or in some cases, rebellion to His standard for healthy living. He graciously extends His forgiveness which is the primary benefit. It cleanses us from our disobedient mindset and frees us to embrace all His other benefits.

Benefit #2: Healing

“He heals all our diseases.” (verse 3).

The evidence of God’s healing at Wildwood could fill volumes. There are stories of the blind receiving sight and the lame regaining the ability to walk. There are stories about lifetime medical prescriptions being canceled; and some who have stopped dying and started to live again. Wildwood displays a God who heals.

His healing has already begun in the most recent batch of beneficiaries. This author left Wildwood improved with all her vital signs in normal range. We expect that our lives will continue to improve as we continue to practice the health principles we have learned and rely on His grace to persevere. We came. We experienced. We believe. And to the benefit of physical healing, God helps us add the benefit of commitment and faith.

Benefit #3: Redemption aka Reversal

“He redeems our life from destruction” (verse 4)

God’s redemption rescues us from the consequences of disobedience to His spiritual laws. It also rescues us from the consequences of disobedience to His natural laws. The result is a reversal of the spiritual, mental, and physical fallout from wrong choices. This benefit is most empowering toward the happy, positive lifestyle we have committed to embrace, going forward.

By now, we realize that our new, improved lifestyle requires our full surrender to Christ who makes our redemption (reversal) possible. Success is guaranteed if we allow Him to maintain what He started in us. For those who accept His Lordship over their entire lives, the Easy English Bible Version puts it this way (2 Corinthians 5:17): “Their old way of life has gone. Their new life has begun!”

Benefit #4: Coronation

“He crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies.” (verse 4).

We could just skip to the “lovingkindness and tender mercies” because this divine synergy of love, kindness, and mercy is a benefit that no human power can equal (though the Wildwood staff comes close). Still, we must recognize the psalmist’s image of God crowning us. A crown symbolizes honor, dignity, and authority. it is worn on the head so that it is conspicuous.

God crowns us with love because that is the benefit He wants us to make most conspicuous. Our reports will be impactful when we highlight His lovingkindness and tender mercies above our feeble participation in our redemption and healing. The changes we make in our diets, the exercise routines we establish, application of the wisdom we acquire at Wildwood show our willingness to cooperate with Him, but it is His love for us that motivates Him to redeem and enrich our lives. His love for us is more beneficial than anything we can do for ourselves. Displaying His love is a benefit as well as an honor.

In my opinion, the Wildwood staff wears God’s crown of lovingkindness and tender mercies in an exemplary godly fashion, and we do well to learn from them. Through their smiles, their counsels, their gentle treatments, and all their actions, they display His insignia of love and care, always giving Him the praise He deserves. They pray often, and that may be the clue to displaying the crown of divine virtue that He placed on them.

Benefit #5: Renewal

“He satisfies our mouth with good things So that our youth is renewed like the eagles.” (verse 5).

Our taste, our cravings, and our appetites were adequately satisfied at Wildwood. (Kudos to the kitchen staff!) But even more than our physical satisfaction, we do well to focus on the renewed attitude, the renewed energy, and the renewed zest for life which we receive from the physical, mental, and spiritual nourishment.

This benefit is especially significant for me because of my desire for the ability to perform every assignment that God has planned beforehand for me to do (Ephesians 2:10). Others may have prayed the same prayer. Wanting to be consistently active is not a request to be young again. Giving up one’s age is giving up the wisdom acquired through the years. We will continue to age but we want the renewed lease on life that the eagles get when they acquire new beaks and new feathers. If there is one place this could happen to us, it is at Wildwood.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and always remember these benefits! It is impossible to forget Wildwood, the beautiful people, and the life-giving lessons offered at this place                                         where God puts all these life-enriching benefits on display. God bless Wildwood!


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