Evidence is mounting that the microorganisms residing in your gut could help determine whether or not you develop hypertension.((Adnan S. Alterations in the gut microbiota can elicit hypertension in rats. Physiological Genomics>, 2016; physiolgenomics.00081.2016...
Poliana D. Vale, M.D.
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Cancer Prevention Strategies: DNA Repair
Approximately one in three Americans will develop cancer sometime during their lives. In this article, we outline a lifestyle program that reduces cancer risk through DNA repair. Cancer originates in genes that are encoded in DNA. Genes tell a cell what to do, when to...
Five Tips to Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally
1. Skip the canned foods and drinks and eat fresh produce. As far as possible, avoid canned food or microwaveable foods wrapped in plastic. Why? BPA, a chemical used as an epoxy lining for cans and plastic bottles, has been linked to high blood pressure. BPA can leach...
Conquering the Common Denominator of Chronic Diseases
If you have ever been stung by a yellow jacket or have had a cold, you experienced the signs of acute inflammation. The redness, swelling, increased heat, and pain let us know that our bodies are fighting for us. However, if chronic inflammation occurs inside the...
Are You Lonely Tonight?
Loneliness raises levels of circulating stress hormones and levels of blood pressure. It can gradually undermine regulation of the circulatory system so that the heart muscle works harder and the blood vessels are subject to damage by blood flow turbulence. Hawkley...