
Black Bean Burgers

by | Aug 27, 2018 | Entrees, Recipes


1-14 oz. can black beans

2 green onions, minced

2 cloves garlic, minced

¼ red bell pepper, chopped

½ teaspoon cumin

2 teaspoons vegan beef-like seasoning

1 teaspoon fresh or dried parsley

1 tablespoon tahini

1 teaspoon Braggs Amino Acids (or soy sauce)

½ cup quick oats

⅓ cup nutritional yeast flakes

⅓ cup whole wheat breadcrumbs


Add black beans, onions, garlic, bell pepper, cumin, beef-like seasoning, parsley, and tahini to a food processor. Pulse only 3-4 times.

Put the processed ingredients in a large bowl and add the remaining ingredients.

Mix until the ingredients stick together well, but do not over-mix.

Divide the mixture into patties. Place them on a baking sheet (oil if needed), and bake for 10 minutes on each side at 350 degrees.

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