
Blueberry Streusel Cake

by | Last updated Dec 12, 2021 | Desserts, Recipes

Ingredients for Streusel Topping

1 cup granola

½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut

½ cup pecan meal

3 tablespoons Sucanat or organic sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon coriander

½ teaspoon anise

½ teaspoon cardamom


Blend granola, coconut, and pecans together in blender. Combine with rest of ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside.

Cake Ingredients

2 cups hot water

¾ cup honey

1 ½ cups whole wheat flour

1 ½ cups oat flour

2 ½ tablespoons baking yeast

½ cup canola oil or organic olive oil

2 teaspoons salt

1 tablespoon coriander

1 teaspoon cardamom

1 vanilla

1 ½ cups whole wheat flour

1 ½ cups oat flour

2 ½ cups blueberries


Combine first five ingredients. When lukewarm, stir in yeast. Let sit for 20 minutes.

Stir in rest of ingredients and pour into 9” X 13” baking dish. Smooth over the top.

Cover with the streusel topping and pat it gently into surface of cake. Let rise in warm place 30 minutes.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes or until knife or toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.

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