
Delicious Gluten-Free Millet Waffles

by | Oct 24, 2019 | Breakfasts, Gluten Free, Recipes


½ cup organic non-GMO soaked soybeans

1 ½ cups of pineapple juice

5 tablespoons of honey

¾ cup of certified gluten-free, regular oats

¾ cup of certified, gluten-free, uncooked millet

½ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring

1 teaspoon maple flavoring, optional

1 teaspoon pineapple flavoring, optional

½ teaspoon coriander

½ teaspoon cardamom, optional

1/8 cup coconut

A small amount of sesame seeds


Prepare the waffle iron by preheating it and brushing with oil, if needed, right before pouring on batter.

Blend all ingredients together well.

When waffle iron is hot, sprinkle sesame seeds on the bottom surface. They add flavor and reduce the chances of waffles sticking.

Pour batter over seeds and sprinkle more seeds on top of batter.

Close lid and bake until done.

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