
Delightful Eggless Soy Soufflé

by | Last updated Aug 11, 2023 | Entrees, Recipes


2 cups soaked rinsed, organic non GMO soybeans (soak overnight or about 8 hours)

2 cups water

1 teaspoon salt

1-2 tablespoons tahini or peanut butter

1 fresh onion or 2 tablespoon onion powder

2 cloves garlic or ½ teaspoon garlic powder

2 tablespoons unfermented soy sauce or Bragg Aminos

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes

½ cups tomato puree (opt)


Liquefy beans in blender with water. Add other ingredients. Pour into an oiled baking dish that is deep enough that soufflé has about an inch of headroom to rise.

Bake covered at 400° until set and lightly browned, about 45 minutes. Or reduce heat after about 15minutes and continue baking at 325° for another hour and 15 minutes.

Adjust seasonings to your preference! You may enjoy adding and/or substituting other options such as basil, chicken-style seasoning, or Italian seasoning.

Originally Published in 32 The Journal of Health & Healing • Volume 29, Number 1

Adapted from Rosalie Hurd’s awarding-winning Ten Talents Cookbook. Used with permission.

To order contact Wildwood Natural Food Market. naturalfood@wildwoodhealth.org
Tel: (706) 820-1252, Extension 2

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