
Scottish Oat Cakes

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Breakfasts

This is a delicious make-ahead treat.

¼ cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup Brazil nuts (or walnuts)
1 cup quick oats
1 teaspoon salt
¼ cup honey, warmed

1. Place flour and nuts in a food processor and whiz for 1 minute or until nuts are as fine as the flour but not getting buttery or sticking to the sides. Pour into a mixing bowl and add oats and salt. Stir in warmed honey until a ball of dough forms, adding a little water if needed. Mixture should stick together, but not be so wet that it sticks to your hands.

2. Divide into about 12 walnut-sized balls and place on two nonstick cookie sheets. Roll thin with a rolling pin.

If the pan sides are deep, turn it upside down and make your cakes on the bottom in order to roll the cakes flat with a rolling pin. Cover them with plastic wrap to keep the roller from sticking.

3. Bake 10-12 minutes at 350°F. Watch carefully – They burn easily!

4. Serve with thickened fruit topping such as blueberry, cherry, or peach. Add nut or soy milk if desired.

Make 1 dozen.

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