
Zucchini Crabless Cakes

by | Last updated Dec 12, 2021 | Entrees, Recipes

These tasty “crab” cakes are a great way to eat vegetables! This is a soy free recipe and has a gluten- free option.


2 medium-size zucchinis (about 2 cups shredded)

2 cups whole grain breadcrumbs

3 tablespoons potato starch or flour, or tapioca starch, or aquafaba

3 tablespoons onion, finely chopped

3 tablespoons carrot, grated

1 tablespoon vegan mayo

2 teaspoons celery salt

½ teaspoon paprika

½ teaspoon ground bay leaf, optional

2 tablespoon lemon juice, or juice of ½ lemon

¼ cup flat leaf parsley, chopped


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. (191 C.)

Grate zucchinis into a colander placed over a bowl to catch liquid.

Sprinkle zucchinis with salt.

Allow zucchinis to drain for about 30 minutes.

Press zucchinis down to remove excess water.

Pat dry with paper towel. It should be moist but not wet.

In a medium size bowl, mix zucchinis, onions, carrots, and breadcrumbs.

In a small bowl, mix flour/starch or aquafaba, vegan mayo, seasonings, lemon juice, and parsley.

Combine the seasoning mixture with the vegetable mixture. Stir in a little water if too dry and mix well to combine.

Form mixture into about 1/3 cup size balls with your hands and then press down into patties. You can oil a narrow size canning jar lid and press mixture into it then push formed patty out onto sheet.

Place patties on an oiled or parchment lined baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes on each side.

Makes 10-12 cakes

The above recipe is taking from Wildwood’s amazing and new cookbook, Plant-Based Made Simple by Carin Lynch. You will want to add this one to your collection. To order, contact Wildwood Natural Food Market at naturalfood@wildwoodhealth.org orTel: (706) 820-1252 or https://www.amazon.com/Plant-Based-Simple-Cookbook-Carin-Lynch/dp/0578745593

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