
Bernell Baldwin

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What Makes Fresh Air Fresh?

You’ve likely heard that we can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen—unless, of course, your brain is cold. In Argentina, when a baby born three months prematurely was pronounced dead by two doctors, her tiny coffin was placed...

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Nutritional Oncology

Nutritional Oncology

In spite of the following facts: In the U.S.A. The cruelty of cancer touches about one in three people. One out of eight women develop cancer of the breast. One in 6 men who are older than 70 years, gets cancer of the prostate. Cancer is the number 2 cause of death....

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Live Better and Longer

Live Better and Longer

Dinner is served. Grandmother Sally, alert and happy, is facing her first meal, in some time, at her son’s California ranch style home. Her son Clyde is a comfortably settled dairy cattleman who loves his wife Lela’s cooking, a bit too much—Uncle Clyde believes in...

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