
Nutritional Oncology

by | Jan 30, 2018 | Cancer

  • In spite of the following facts:

In the U.S.A.

  • The cruelty of cancer touches about one in three people.
  • One out of eight women develop cancer of the breast.
  • One in 6 men who are older than 70 years, gets cancer of the prostate.
  • Cancer is the number 2 cause of death.
  • It is the most feared of all diseases.

There is more than hope—there is help, now!

Never has there been a time when more was known about this creeping plague, how to understand, prevent, cure, and manage it, than now. Scientifically, cancer used to be the dragon of diseases—now it’s much more understandable and conquerable. Cancer is now a more accessible target. This article can give you several new ways to beat the beast.

Causes of Cancer

Cancer is caused by viruses, strong chemicals, dangerously high levels of radiation, or hormones that push wild growth. But because the “nuts and bolts” of cancer are becoming so well known, the guesswork is diminishing rapidly. For instance, we now know how benzopyrene, a terrible cancer chemical found in first- and second-hand tobacco smoke, can steal an electron right out of DNA, thus destroying its integrity. This means that a cancer gene, called an oncogene, can be produced by mutation and go to work permanently. Thus, it can build a machine of rebellious wild growth in the lungs, killing more women and men than any other type of cancer.

Four Years vs. Three Days!

The entire Iraq war, so far (2013), has killed about 3,000 Americans in 4 years. In America alone, tobacco kills more than that in three days! Tobacco causes about ninety-percent of lung cancer cases and up to one-third of all cancer deaths. When you add up all the caskets that have “significant tobacco causation” stamped on them—the number is substantial. Not only is cancer of the lung involved but also, the more than 80 known cancer chemicals in tobacco encourage cancer development throughout the body! Tobacco is involved in cancer of the lung, breast, prostate, colon, head and neck, kidney, bladder, and pancreas. This deadly substance’s “shot-gun” effects cause not only cancer but also heart attacks, blood vessel disease, emphysema, and other vascular and respiratory diseases, resulting in tobacco killing one in five Americans!

Most media won’t tell you that even after surgery for lung cancer, once the growth has reached the size of a golf ball, about 80 percent of patients are dead within eighteen months. The golf ball was too big! So, what’s the good news? Plenty! Thirty percent of all cancer is caused by tobacco, and we can now understand, prevent, and conquer it. How? Never start smoking! And if you smoke now, stop smoking before it stops you!

Cancer is a System

To illustrate cancer’s method of operation, let’s consider breast cancer, a complex system of many factors. The normal breast lives to feed and nurture new human beings. But cancer cells live to destroy this organ. As soon as possible they spread by metastasis to lymph nodes, chest, or liver, resulting in disfigurement, pain, and death. It is a system of lawless growth, physical suffering, destruction, and death. Cancer is biologic sin—a dramatic model of mutation and selective survival. Normal cells play fair. Cancer cells fight for your death, not life.

How Does This Come About?

The normal human body obeys laws of order. As the Bible says, “There should be no schism in the body.”1 The healthy body has many members, but they all unite in one purpose—they all live to serve and honor one another. Normal immune cells will sacrifice even their lives so that the body can live. But cancer cells live and grow only for themselves, multiplying in a rebellious war of aggression against your survival. Each of our normal cells has about 30,000 normal genes, which are units of DNA, rolled up like blueprints in a big drawer, called the nucleus. Cancer results if, after a long and fierce war, the blueprints for a certain organ of the body are sabotaged. The cancer-botched blue prints shape the new baby cells to give the least, steal the most, and have lots of baby cancer cells—all this in desperate anarchy against the normal laws of life. What else is involved?

The Cancer Is Evolution At Work!

Evolution is supposed to be a self-perfecting system based on mutation and selection resulting in survival of the new and better, by displacing the old and inferior. According to this theory, walking supersedes crawling and then flying supersedes walking, until finally you have, crowning the summit of Mt. Darwin, the evolutionists themselves! Cancer is an ultimate model of evolution. Mutation rules the day. And survival is programmed—rule or ruin! Cancer cell lines are self-perpetuating. They multiply hundreds of times. But instead of being self-perfecting they are actually self-destroying. They kill their host then they kill themselves. During life these savage cells live to get, get, GET!

Meanwhile they have lots of baby cancer cells designed by the oncogenes to get, grab, and steal. This cancer system is so wild in character that even when a cancer patient is put on a total fast, cancer cells still grow and grow by stealing amino acids, vitamins, and minerals from neighboring cells. Results? The cancer cells prosper (survival of the fittest) while the normal cells and tissues shrink, and organs sicken, until they die. So cancer is systemic confusion on the go!

*Both the article itself and the sidebar (at the bottoms of this post) add a few factors that are not based on nutrition, but also contribute to the development of cancer. —Author

One Meal of Chicken!

Tobbaco is by no means the only source of carcinogens. When sugar, creatinine, or certain other nitrogen-containing ring compounds and amino acids are cooked in the lab or kitchen, numerous aromatic hydrocarbons are made. Many of these complicated heterocyclic amines have turned out to be dangerous carcinogens. PhIP (a very common and highly-studied carcinogen) is frequently found in cooked flesh. When PhIP is given to lab animals, they get cancers of breast, colon, or prostate.


This and related carcinogens are incriminated in cancer of the colon, breast, stomach, lung, and esophagus.2 Accordingly, Kulp, Felton, and associates of the Lawrence Livermore Lab, got eight female volunteers to eat just one meal of cooked chicken meat. Then using the latest molecular detectors available in the Berkeley system they tested the subjects’ urine for PhIP. They found some still present 18 hours later! Chicken meat delivers more PhIP into the blood than pork, beef, or fish—all of which deposit their share of these carcinogens into unsuspecting consumers.3 The researchers state, “Well-done chicken is the greatest source of PhIP exposure because, at high temperatures and long cooking times, chicken breast preferentially forms more PhIP and less of the related heterocyclic amines as compared with beef.” Regarding relevance they state, “Both the amounts of chicken consumed by our volunteers and the PhIP levels were comparable with consumption levels possible in households or restaurants.” Other chemists have found PhIP in eggs, bean cakes, and marinated pork.4

Afro-Americans and PhIP

The Livermore group studied 392 men in the Oakland, California area. They found that Afro-Americans consumed two to three times more PhIP than white Americans. Over 60 percent of their PhIP intake was from chicken.5 In view of data showing that PhIP mutates prostate cells and causes tumors in rats, it is assumed that an abundance of PhIP helps explain the extraordinary incidence of prostate cancer in Afro-Americans.6 Accordingly, PhIP may be a marker for a whole set of carcinogens. Its relative concentration fits mathematically to explain excesses of certain ethnically over-represented cancers.

Red Meat and Cancer

After 12 years of follow up in over 90,000 younger women in the Nurses’ Health Study, the Harvard group with Walter Willett found over 1,000 cases of invasive breast cancer. They discovered that the more red meat the nurses ate, the more cancer of the breast they got. This work was reported in Archives of Internal Medicine, 2006.7

French Women and Cancer

A recent study involving a large group of meat-eating French women showed increased risk for colorectal cancer. The authors conclude: “Dietary patterns that reflect a Western way of life are associated with a higher risk of colorectal tumors.”8

Adventist Health Studies

Spanning four decades, the Seventh-day Adventist health studies have shown that lifestyle makes a crucial impact on cancer risk. The more meat eaten, the more cancer is gotten.(()) The chemical reasons are becoming clearer. Cooking meat produces carcinogens. Also, its saturated fats, growth factors, and deficiencies of fiber and phytochemicals, its amino acid problems, and inflammation-promoting chemicals all add up to increased cancer risks. And more heart attacks and strokes are caused as well, courtesy of saturated fat and cholesterol.

A Summary View on Cancer of the Bowel

Reporting in the International Journal of Cancer, Larsson did a meta-analysis of 29 different research studies on red meat and cancer of the bowel. This large group of studies showed a 28 percent increase of bowel cancer for each 120 grams of meat eaten daily.9 Willett of Harvard University writes that for each 25 grams (about one slice) increment in the consumption of processed meat there is an increased risk of 49 percent of colon cancer.10 Factors that might account for this include, nitroso compounds, heme iron as from blood in the meat, carcinogens produced by cooking, or by microbes in the bowel as well as other less studied mechanisms. The case against meat as the causative agent for cancer of the bowel is rather generally accepted.

When Breast Milk Contains PhIP

A Canadian group measured the levels of PhIP in mother’s milk. It was found in 9 out of 11 milk samples to be as high as 59 pg/ml. But no PhIP was found in the milk of the vegetarian donor!11 The authors suggest that PhIP is a human mammary carcinogen. This shows that nursing mothers should not eat meat.

Obesity and Cancer

As formerly mentioned, obesity promotes several cancers; just being overweight is associated with increased cancer of the breast. Weight gain after diagnosis of breast cancer further worsens the prognosis. Obesity also enhances the risk of getting bowel cancer and the risk of recurrent prostate cancer. It makes surgery more difficult and increases problems post-op.12

How obesity causes these results is being clarified. Willett and Giovannucci of Harvard observe that obesity changes hormonal status; insulin regulation is disturbed; and the undesirable insulin-like growth factors (IGF’s) are produced. This can alter proliferation of cells, their differentiation or maturity, and apoptosis (normal organized disassembly of undesirable cells). They estimate that IGF exposure throughout the life span could account for about one-third of diet-related cancer disparities geographically. And they mention that 20 or more pounds of intentional weight loss reduced the risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer.13

Dairy Products

In the world of nature, mammals consume milk for fast growth, and then they are weaned. Ask a cattleman—adult cows that insist on stealing milk from other cows are either cured or butchered! Now we are learning that milk, with its rich nutriments for fast growth and heavy loads of saturated fat, growth-pushing hormones, and animal protein such as casein, is turning out to be a clear factor in causing metastatic cancer of the prostate. The Harvard health statistics group under the leadership of Dr. Willett has shown that one glass of cow’s milk per meal increased the risk of metastatic cancer of the prostate about 40 percent in men. The harmful effect of meat is even greater, at 70 percent risk. Consumption of both dairy and meat caused 200 percent more risk of this common dangerous form of metastatic cancer!14 This basic finding has been confirmed from France, Australia, and Spain.15, 16,17

More incriminating evidence is reported. When teenage boys drink lots of milk, they get 66 percent more seminoma (cancer of the testicles) for each 20 servings of milk per month!18 Sixty servings of milk would be about two glasses per day. Testicular cancer is not glamorous! This information ought to put quite a dent in the milk lobby’s massive promotional campaigns. Incidentally, contrary to what some might think, skim milk is still an animal food, which contains saturated fatty acids and is loaded with a second class protein called casein. Then there is the common skin cancer, called squamous cell carcinoma. Australia is famous for this sunburn-induced disease. Reporting in the International Journal of Cancer a research group from Queensland found that high intakes of dairy products increased the risk for this skin cancer 2.53 times.19

A health writer of considerable moment wrote the following in 1899: “The light given me is that it will not be very long before we shall have to give up any animal food. Even milk will have to be discarded.”20

Cured Cheese

A large group of researchers in Barcelona studied over 40,000 health volunteers, aged 29-69 years, for dietary intake of nitrites and a special carcinogenic nitrosamine called Nnitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).

The foods that contributed the most nitrosamines in this Spanish setting were: processed meat, beer, cured cheese, and broiled fish.21 In addition to dangerous oxidized cholesterol and saturated fat, both pushing atherosclerosis, NDMA also puts cured cheese clearly over the line. So much for second-hand animal foods. For cutting-edge scientific people, the case for using second-hand foods from animals is finished. It is high time for some good news.

Good News About Apples

Formerly, apples might have been considered to be a “ho-hum” fruit. No more! Not only do apples taste good, they are medicine in the Hippocratic sense. He recommended apples and is famous for saying, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” We are now learning that apples have remedies and preventives worthy of note. Polyphenols, proanthocyanidines B1 and B2, quercetins, phloridzin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, and a glorious vitamin Y—for “yummy!”

A study on apple consumption and health has shown that patients who ate more than 1 apple per day experienced 20 percent less cancer of the oral cavity, 25 percent less of the esophagus, 20 percent less of the bowel, about 20 percent less cancer of the breast, 15 percent less ovarian cancer, and about 10 percent less prostate cancer.22 Red apples have been shown to help protect against heart disease, yellow apples against cancer, and green ones against toxins in the bowel.

Berries Work, Too

Using the classic carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene as the research agent, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries were evaluated for their ability to inhibit cancerous mutations. They all worked well, with “Sweet Charlie” strawberries winning this round.23 Cranberries have their virtues, too. Dr Heber, and his associates of UCLA, have shown that cranberry extracts contain flavonol glycosides, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) and organic and phenolic acids. The results of whole cranberry extract exceeded the beneficial effects from the individual components, suggesting additive or even synergistic results in inhibiting growth of human oral, colon, and prostate cancer cells.24 An adage is growing like berries in the meadow—whole foods for whole people.

More Good News About Grapes

Grapes contain phytochemicals that can reduce inflammation; for instance in sickness or injury the cytokine IL-10 may push inflammation but grapes can increase IL-12, which reduces inflammation and builds up the immune system. This winning combination can reduce incidence of skin cancer.25

The famous phytochemical, resveratrol, from dark-colored grapes in the diet has been shown to be protective against breast cancer by improving differentiation, or maturity, of the cells of the breast so that women are less vulnerable to the disease. Resveratrol also improves apoptosis.26 From the Department of Pharmacology in Seoul, Korea, comes word that after drinking 150 ml of grape juice, the antioxidant status of human plasma was improved for a solid 2 hours afterwards. Oxidative stress can damage DNA, proteins, and membranes of the body. Thus grape juice can help prevent biochemical damage and preserve antioxidation. Other fruit extractives from oranges, melons, peaches, plums, apples, and kiwi fruit demonstrated similar benefits.27 There is much evidence that an abundance of beautifully-colored fruits and vegetables are healthful, period.

Whole Grains Are Basic

Only eight percent of a large sample of people living in South Carolina met the dietary recommendations of whole wheat intake. Whole wheat with its bran that abounds in phytic acid was formerly criticized by conventional nutritionists. But the gallery of critics is quiet. Phytic acid is now seen as a friend rather than an enemy. Additional evidence cited in a 2000 Carcinogenesis issue shows that bran and its phytic acid increases apoptosis of unwanted cells and improves the cancer resistance factor of improved differentiation in the colon.28 In Sweden, Larsson and associates studied over 61,000 women for a mean follow-up of 14 years. They found 35 percent less cancer of the bowel in those who used the most whole grains.29

Second Generation Effects of Whole Grains

When mother animals were fed whole wheat, their daughters’ risk for cancer of the breast was reduced.30 The vulnerable terminal buds in the breast were reduced, the apoptotic cells increased, the anti-cancer factor p53 was increased, and the damaged guanine in DNA was significantly reduced.31

Other advantageous factors such as the ability of bran to soak up bad molecules, dilute carcinogens or mutagens, and sweep out the bowel sooner and better, makes whole grains faithful winners in the battle against cancer of the bowel. They also exhibit other very helpful features including blocking the absorption of cholesterol.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic can concentrate and make new selenium compounds that fight cancer, Se-methyl selenocysteine and gamma-glutamyl-Se-methyl selenocysteine. 32 The unique sulfur-containing phytochemicals of the onion family are proven cancer preventives. And Dr. Lau of Loma Linda University has shown that, by reducing the bad effects of stress, garlic is an important aid in fighting cancer.33

Using a combined Italian and Swiss data set, odds ratios were calculated for frequency of use and freedom from cancer. For the highest use of onion and garlic, they got 84 percent less cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, 88 percent less cancer of the esophagus, 56 percent less cancer of the bowel, 83 percent less cancer of the larynx, 25 percent less cancer of the breast, 73 percent less cancer of the ovaries, 71 percent less cancer of the prostate, and 38 percent less renal cell cancer.34 Indeed, there is “great virtue in well-cooked onions.”35 Other herbs and flavorings have also proven to be cancer protective.

Soy Helps Prevent Cancer

When it became obvious that some cultures were 4 to 10 times free from breast cancer than Americans, that second-generation Japanese females after moving to Hawaii got half as much breast cancer as Americans, and that their granddaughters (third generation) in San Francisco got just as much breast cancer as Californians, scientists got busy. They found soy. Chemically, whole soybeans are more nourishing because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Whole soy contains tocols, phenolics, phytosterols, phospholipids, phytic acid, carotenoids, saponins, enzyme inhibitors, and oligosaccharides— all of which are beneficial substances.36 What the entrepreneurs want is a quick-fix single chemical that they can patent, if possible, to make fast millions. They can’t patent pure natural substances, so their hope is to modify the target molecule and make a drug out of it, which can be patented and highly priced. The good news is that the Creator is way ahead of them! Whole soy has much more going for it than just the selected components genistein and daidzein, with its metabolite equol. These “patentable parts” are indeed useful but not cure-alls!

The timing of soy consumption is important. It is a far more superior program for mother to use whole soy freely, before, during, and after pregnancy, and then for the children to be raised on high soy, than it is for obese, overfed, under-exercised Western women to add some pill or fraction of soy to their decadent lifestyle, then wonder why it did not work, saying, “We need a drug cure-all, now.”

Soy critics like to compare results from laboratory mice without thymus glands or ovaries (“nude mice”) with results from normal animals. Please don’t compare apples with turnips! When big doses of genistein are imposed on these immune-compromised mice, soy extracts can promote the growth of artificially implanted breast cancer. Therefore, the critics cry that the drug tamoxafin was right all along! So, down with soy? No way!

In China and Asia, soy coupled with a largely plant-based diet has already won this cancer prevention game. The simple diet and lifestyle of the East reduces the life-dose of estrogen dramatically. Even Seventh-day Adventist women get twice as much cancer of the breast as did classical Japanese before the rising Westernization of their lifestyle. In rural western China, girls start the estrogen surge at 19 years of age. Then during adult life their estrogen levels are modestly lower, and stop sooner. Also, levels of the steroid-binding protein that withdraws estrogen from unwanted effects are higher. Results? Marvelous protection from breast cancer.37

Of course this victory does not turn on one kind of bean. Vigorous exercise, early regular bed times, and more simple social environments all tend to maximize melatonin secretion, which leads to less hypothalamic estrogen drive. Meanwhile other dietary, environmental, cultural and congenital mechanisms cooperate in the fight.

Drinking one glass of soy milk vs. cow’s milk per meal has been shown by Loma Linda researchers to also reduce metastatic cancer of the prostate by 70 percent.38.  If on uses soy milk, we suggest nonGMO, organic soy milk.

How about soy for women?  Soy isoflavones may act like estrogen, but they have anti-estrogen properties as well.

  • Ponce de Leon’s fountain of youth never happened. Neither has soy turned out to be a cure-all for a decadent lifestyle. It is a very useful bean—not a reductionist panacea.


  1. Nothing happens without a cause.
  2. Cancer is the second leading cause of death. Because this life-threatening disease has many causes, cancer control involves many measures. One of these is proper nutrition. So, nutritional oncology is here to stay.
  3. Typical cancer is wild DNA doing a pernicious job of growing and spreading so many oncogenes that, if not removed or destroyed, it will kill the host (the person).
  4. Nutritional oncology is an emerging science that can assist in the illumination, prevention, and helpful assistance in the treatment of most cancer. For more information on how a vegetarian diet helps the battle with cancer, see Cancer: Does a Vegetarian Diet Help?.
  5. The Great Physician said, “If thy right hand offends thee, cut it off.” This newer perspective must not lead to romantic extremes in either prevention or therapy. Thistles in the garden cannot be cured merely with organic fertilizer! Hoes are helpful if used early enough. Animal food is second or even third hand in quality because of modern greedy recycling of meat scrap and animal wastes—to say nothing of anti-ecological factory methods. Witness the fiasco of pig factories in Iowa and the modern chicken factory, the veal factory, the fish farm or cage. Profits may be tempting, but the biology is tragic!
  6. Common cooking methods produce more carcinogens (such as PhIP) from chicken, than from with pork, beef, and fish. However, all meat and animal products are suspect or definitely incriminated in the development of cancer. The chemistry and health science of vegetarianism is sound and ready for application in living, not just observing.
  7. In order to conquer cancer, inflammation needs to be seriously deal with by incorporating an anti-inflammatory program. See Proven Strategies to Defeat Inflammation.
  8. Immune efficiency is of the upmost importance in fighting cancer.  See Cancer Protection: Are Your Natural Killer Cells on Active Duty? for natural remedies that improve the immune system’s capacity to destroy cancer cells and cancer viruses.
  9. If all of us would practice overall progressive living by eating wisely in strict temperance, exercising sufficiently, adhering to sensible moderation, and getting regular medical check-ups:
    • most cancer could be prevented, now,
    • if diagnosed early, most of the rest of cancer can be cured, now,
    • and the remainder could be managed with less pain and trouble than ever before.
  10. When the Great Physician finishes His program of the whole gospel for the whole man, cancer will cease to exist – forever! Nor will anyone ever again say, “I am sick.”39 Praise God! When the Great Physician finishes His program of the whole gospel for the whole man, cancer will cease to exist – forever! Nor will anyone ever again say, “I am sick.”40 Praise God!


  1. ONCOGENES: perverted DNA agents that sow cancer are evolved by mutations from carcinogens, viruses or germs, or too much radiation. Some individuals are born with oncogenes; others form them during their lives as a result of deteriorating immunity.
  2. FREE RADICALS: atoms or molecules that are dangerously out of electronic balance. They can form in such number and character as to shift the balance of disorderly growth in the wrong and cancerous direction.
  3. DNA REPAIR: can become too slow and too weak to keep normal DNA clean and healthy. Then perversion of DNA can become permanent. Oncogenes go wild.
  4. DNA EROSION: the shape of DNA can be compromised and even ruined by eating too much, by eating unwisely, by dietary deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in nutrition. Chemically, this is called “dysfunctional methylation and acetylation.” Epigenetics is becoming increasingly significant in modern cancer studies.
  5. CELL CYCLE CONTROLS: unhealthful conditions can compromise the machinery of cell growth. The “gas pedals are jammed, and/or the brakes are ruined.” Cellular growth goes completely out of control.
  6. CARCINOGENS: cancer-forming chemicals such as those produced by smoking, poor diet, or environmental hazards can steal electrons from DNA, break DNA, or even pervert DNA permanently. This can push oncogenes into positive feedback!
  7. APOPTOSIS—the orderly disassembly of unwanted cells is compromised. Instead cancerous tissue becomes an engine of inflammation!
  8. DIFFERENTIATION: cells are deficient in normal maturity, so that they are vulnerable to instability, mutation, or perversion. Biologically, they can become perpetually pregnant teenagers!
  9. ANTI-CANCER GENES AND PROTEINS: normal genes that stop or fight cancer are destroyed by the factors described in points 2, 3, 4, and 6 of this list. Proteomics become chaotic (the proteins of life become deadly).
  10. DYSFUNCTIONAL HORMONES: for example estrogen—too soon, too much, or too long—fosters cancer of the breast. Testosterone can promote cancer of the prostate. Diet can make a substantial difference here.
  11. GROWTH FACTORS: these chemical factors can be eaten, acquired, or made to such an extent as to push abnormal growth into positive feed forward. Involves point #5.
  12. INFLAMMATION: is promoted chemically by eating meat or too much of even good food. This process involves E-2, arachadonic acid, and the cascade of proinflammatory chemicals. For clarifciation, note that the term, “chronic irritation” was formerly used to describe inflammation and its processes.
  13. BLOOD SUPPLY: growing cancers develop the capacity to recruit growth of their own blood vessels in order to nourish themselves.
  14. METASTASIS: aggressive cancer develops the ability to escape local barriers, travel, invade, and spread by blood or lymphatics, thus gaining access to other parts of the body. No wonder cancer is the number two cause of death and kills millions.


© 2024, Wildwood Sanitarium. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is educational and general in nature. Neither Wildwood Lifestyle Center, its entities, nor author intend this article as a substitute for medical diagnosis, counsel, or treatment by a qualified health professional.


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  32. Arnault, I., and Auger, J. J., Chromatogr A, 1112(1-2):23-30, 2006[]
  33. Lau, B., Garlic for Disease Prevention. J Health & Healing, 13(3):3-6[]
  34. Galeone, C., et al, Am J Clin Nutr, 84(5):1027-1032, 2006[]
  35. White, E.G., 3 Manuscript Releases, p. 339[]
  36. Barnes, S., et al., Soy Isoflavones, in Nutritional Oncology, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 2006, pp. 559-571[]
  37. Campbell, T.C., The China Study. Benbella Books, Dallas, Texas, 2004[]
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  39. The Bible, Isaiah 33:24a, KJV[]
  40. The Bible, Isaiah 33:24a, KJV[]

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