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Natural Remedies for the Common Sore Throat

Natural Remedies for the Common Sore Throat

The average child will have between 6 to 10 colds a year, while the average adult will have 2 to 4 colds a year. What can you do to speed recovery? After all, antibiotics are ineffective in combating the cold viruses. Hydrotherapy Contrast Shower Do an alternating hot...

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Overcoming Fear & Anxiety

Overcoming Fear & Anxiety

Fear! Anxiety! Most of Us Have Experienced these emotions at one time or another. They are not all bad. There are times when they can actually be beneficial in that they can motivate us, increase our productivity, and even enable us to protect ourselves when faced...

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Living Free: Finding Freedom from the Habits that Hurt

Living Free: Finding Freedom from the Habits that Hurt

Habits---we all have them. American author Elbert Hubbard said: “Habit is the great economizer of energy.” He was exactly right. Habits are our friends—when they’re good ones. Habits are routines that help us perform multiple tasks with minimal mental effort. They...

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Prevent a Gout Attack!

Prevent a Gout Attack!

Will a gout attack cause you acute pain and cripple your daily activities? You can take effective preventative measures now even if you have had a past history of gout! Discover three natural remedies that could ease a gout attack. What is Gout? Gout is the most...

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Unsung Benefits of Good Posture

Unsung Benefits of Good Posture

Working on your computer if it is above eye level or too far below your eye level, staying in one position for an extended time, or using the wrong pillow can cause neck strain. Neck strain can increase blood pressure because certain nerves from your neck go to the...

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Crispy Tortillas for Tostadas

Crispy Tortillas for Tostadas

Webster’s definition of a tostada is “a tortilla fried in deep fat.” But frying in fat results in many health problems. Here is how to make the tortilla crispy without frying.   1 dozen corn tortillas 2 wire cooling racks   1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 2. Place...

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