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Consumption of Ultra Processed Foods and Cancer

Consumption of Ultra Processed Foods and Cancer

Liberal consumption of ultra-processed foods increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. How do they  affect one's cancer risk? Convenience and taste have made ultra processed foods (UPFs) a welcome part of the diet for many people. Ultra-processed...

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Tasty, Quick Brown Gavy

Homemade gravies are easy to make and don't have all the food additives of store-brought gravy mixes.. A typical store brought brown gravy mix product has palm oil, beef fat, corn syrups, and other undesirable additives. You will enjoy this recipe by Sarah Wittmer....

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Tofu Rice Croquettes

Tofu is a complete protein, low in calories and low on the glycemic index. High in calcium and a good source of selenium, tofu supports bone health. Tofu is high in protein and contains all the essential amino acids your body needs. Additionally, it has good amounts...

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Save Your Back

Save Your Back

More than 80% of people will suffer from back discomfort at some point in their lives.  The annual cost in the United States for treating back pain has reached an astronomical $85 billion dollars! Low back pain (LBP) is the main cause of disability in the United...

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Can’t Sleep? Check Your Diet!

Can’t Sleep? Check Your Diet!

Can’t Sleep? Check Your Diet! Inadequate and poor quality sleep can contribute to the development of chronic disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. What we need is sufficient and uninterrupted time in slow-wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye...

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Pineapple Tofu Pudding

Pineapple Tofu Pudding

This delicious pudding is only fruit-sweetened and is free of dairy and eggs. Vegan. If you skip the granola crumbs, it is gluten-free. Ingredients: 1¼-1½ c pineapple juice 1 c hot, cooked millet 2 tbsp cashews 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp salt ¾ c dried pineapple pieces 1 c...

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Garbanzo (Chickpea) Cold Cuts

Garbanzo (Chickpea) Cold Cuts

Garbanzos (chickpeas) are rich in fiber and protein. One cup of cooked garbanzos has 12.5 grams of fiber and 14.5 grams of protein which promote satiety. The combination of fiber and protein slows digestion and promotes fullness. Additionally, they score low on the...

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My Wake-Up Call

My Wake-Up Call

Have you ever experience a medical wake-up call?  Sometimes these calls can be opportunities for progress. Here Luesette Howell shares her life changing wake up call. “Wake-up calls:” events that cause us to “take notice.” Some go unheeded; but ignoring wake up calls...

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