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Disguised? Or Kept in Reserve?

Disguised? Or Kept in Reserve?

Do you find yourself without any seemingly real resources? Then you will want to read this powerful story and encouraging object lesson! As I look out of my window on this mid-April spring day, I see dead, brown, and blackened leaves, shriveled and curled, on many...

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Water Drinking as a Disease Fighter

Water Drinking as a Disease Fighter

Scientific studies show that even mild dehydration from short periods of fluid restriction decreases alertness and ability to concentrate and impairs performance. German researchers have found that dehydration contributes to and exacerbates many chronic diseases. For...

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Could a Regular Schedule Help Your Arthritis?

Could a Regular Schedule Help Your Arthritis?

Cultivate a regular schedule. Cartilage cells have a functioning body clock which switches genes that control tissue function on and off. Scientists believe imposing a rhythm by regularly scheduled exercise, restricted meal times, or by targeting the joint itself with...

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The Neglected Remedy

The Neglected Remedy

Sing or hum a song. Not only does singing improve one’s mood, but humming and singing can actually prove therapeutic! Nasal nitric oxide is known to be broadly antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. Concentrations of nitric oxide in healthy sinuses are high and...

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Good Friends Improve Immune Efficiency

Good Friends Improve Immune Efficiency

Psychological influences not only influence the effectiveness of the flu vaccine, but directly impact the immune system itself. For example, studies show that loneliness appears to have a significant impact on physical health, being linked detrimentally to worse sleep...

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