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True or False? Low Carb Diets Are Good for You!

True or False? Low Carb Diets Are Good for You!

You have seen it on Facebook postings, read it on the internet, heard it on the news: “Carbs are bad for you if you are trying to lose weight.” Pundits advocating a low carbohydrate diet condemned the consumption of starches. They say that even whole grains sabotage...

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How Vitamin D Helps Obese Individuals

How Vitamin D Helps Obese Individuals

Chronic inflammation is one of the major factors to obesity’s deadly medical complications. After all, pot-belly fat cells generate pro-inflammatory chemicals. For obese individuals acute exercise activates inflammatory triggers inside the body. Furthermore, obese...

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The Satisfying Fast

The Satisfying Fast

You hear a lot about the health benefits of detoxifying your body. Detox programs often include fasting. But really, do you have to suffer all the discomfort of no food intake? What are fasting‘s real benefits? Are there any adverse effects to fasting? Is there a...

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Physical Exercise Makes You Brighter! How?

Physical Exercise Makes You Brighter! How?

From my own personal experience as a slow learner, as a classroom teacher, and a scientific researcher, here is a suggestion for anyone who desires to improve their learning speed: Engage in frequent physical activity often throughout the day. No matter how young or...

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